AI tool for seo
Do you want more visibility on Google?

Harness artificial intelligence to boost your traffic
quickly on search engines with our SEO tool.

Harness artificial intelligence to boost your traffic quickly on search engines with our SEO tool.

Unique natural referencing strategy automated by AI.

SEO Analysis of your Site & positions

Allows you to have an overview of your positions on Google and an estimate of your traffic.

At the same time, we analyze your site (SEO audit) in order to highlight all the points for improvement.

Analyse positions SEO hack the seo

Find the best topics

générateur de sujets IA hack seo

AI Topic Generator

Our AI generates all the questions, prepositions, comparisons that your target may ask.

By answering as many questions as possible, you will position yourself as an expert on the subject in the eyes of Google 😍


AI tool for seo cluster kwords

AI Search Keywords & Topics

You generate keywords based on your needs or your competitors. We analyze the number of people who search for this keyword.

The AI will suggest relevant topics searched by Internet users. For each subject the AI integrates a summary of what will be in the SEO article.

Automatic AI writing of your SEO optimized articles

Our AI will write an article for your Google SEO, with all the best SEO practices so that your article rises in searches. With more than 50 checkpoints, our AI is optimized for natural SEO.

AI tool for seo writter

Boost your natural traffic AI tool for seo

With SEO optimized content


0€ ht/month



19€ ht/month


49€ ht/month


99€ ht/month


0€ ht/month



15€ ht/month


39€ ht/month


80€ ht/month

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Difficult question, everything will depend on your site and the work that has been done upstream. A site that has never done SEO, the results are visible from 6-8 months.

A site that has a good foundation in SEO (speed, completed meta and H tags, etc.), you can have an increase in traffic from 2 months.

Anyone who wants to increase their visibility on search engines in order to generate traffic.
Our tool essentially works with a blog by adding quality content regularly (why? because our friend Google loves it).

Once your site is live, the sooner the better.
We carry out your keyword strategy for you, this strategy must be found throughout the site. If you are starting a site you can integrate it from the start. If your site has already been online for a while, you will need to review the existing pages little by little with our teams.

Normally without the Hack the SEO tool, you need a minimum of 7 hours per week. With our tool it will take you a maximum of 2 hours/week.

Ready to increase your visibility with AI tool for seo ? 🚀

Where to find us ?



101 rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris


710 rue favre de saint-castor
34080 montpellier

Would you like to contact us?

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